Players, volunteers, coaches, and/or spectators guilty of making a verbal threat or making threatening gestures against other players, coaches, volunteers, spectators, referees, city officials, or any other person shall be ejected and receive a minimum of a two game suspension. Players guilty of pushing, striking or any other physical contact against any other participant, volunteer, spectator, referee, city officials, or any other person may receive a minimum 3 game suspension to a maximum of lifetime suspension. Coaches, volunteers and/or spectators guilty of pushing, striking or any other physical contact against any other participant, volunteer, spectator, referee, city officials, or any other person may receive a minimum of one (1) year suspension to a maximum of lifetime suspension. Players, volunteers, coaches and/or spectators ejected from a game that approach the game referees at any time after their ejection or go onto the court may face additional game suspensions and/or be suspended for the remainder of the season. Volunteers or coaches who are found to have intentionally violated the terms and/or the spirit of these rules shall be subject to discipline upon recommendation of the Athletic Committee, with the final approval of the Department of Leisure Services. If suspension is not appropriate, the offender may be placed on probation under conditions specified by the Athletic Committee/Department of Leisure Services. All conditions surrounding any disciplinary case must be placed in writing and placed in the Leisure Services office files.